For Ages 13 & Above
All are welcome in our Teen & Adult Classes, whether you are learning martial arts for the first time or you are looking to continue your training. Created for students thirteen and above these classes not only teach the time honored techniques of TaeKwonDo but also the value of a healthy lifestyle, self-discipline, goal setting, and self improvement. Build the confidence you need to do well in work or school. TaeKwonDo is also a great way to relieve stress and improve mental health through physical activity and mental training.
Improve your:
Improve your:
- Focus
- Balance
- Flexibility
- Endurance
- Strength
Teen & Adult Pledge
Winners never quit
Quitters never win
I'm not a quitter
I'm a winner!
Honest Mind
Loving Heart
Strength in body
Quitters never win
I'm not a quitter
I'm a winner!
Honest Mind
Loving Heart
Strength in body